Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are shipping container homes cheaper to build than conventional project homes?
A. This is a common mis conception. Shipping containers are labour intensive to convert in to livable homes that meet building codes, energy ratings & shire regulations. Owner builders will find great advantage in using shipping containers due to having an instant structure to work with. Project homes are a cheaper option due to being standard designs & the buying power of project builders, however once you up spec project homes and start making changes to the basic design the prices do increase significantly.

Q.What do they cost to build?
A. Like any custom home it is largely dependant on size, level of fit out, quality of fixtures & fittings, number of and sizes of windows & doors ect. Budget on a minimum of $1800 m2.

Q. What does it cost for design work & approvals?
A. There are a number of pre-build expenses that will need to be taken in to consideration, below is an estimate based on a build value of $250,000:
• Stage 1 Design & Planning Approval - @$2500-$3000
• Stage 2 Working Drawings + Building Approval - @$2500-$3000
• Engineer (Estimate) - $2000 +GST
• Energy Assessor - $750+GST
• Building Certifier - $1000+GST
• BAL (Bushfire) Report - $500+GST
• Surveyor (If Required) - $600+GST
• Shire Fees (Planning 0.32%) - @$800
• Shire Fees (Building 0.60%) - @$1500
These are standard costs that would be incurred with any custom built home.

Q. Do you have any off the shelf Designs & associated plans.

A. We are working on a standard set of designs for 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes & in due course they will be added to the website. This will cut down on design fees & there will be cost estimates provided to build to a certain level of standard.

Q. Are container homes bush fire rated.

A. It will depend upon the BAL rating of where your land is, once a BAL assessment has been conducted on your land this will be taken in to account during the design phase.

Q. Do container homes meet with Shire approval.

A. This largely depends on the Shire in question, we recommend employing the services of a building surveyor to stamp the plans prior to lodging the application. This will cut through a lot of the red tape.


Q. Can they be built off grid.

A. They can, depending on size area’s for solar panels & batteries. Generally a budget of $30k would be allowed for a permanent living dwelling for 2 people.

Q. How long does it take to build a container home.
A. Depending on complexity& size, once the design has been finalised, approvals & building permit issued a small 1 x 1 such as the Tobyhome 6 months, larger more complex builds 12-18 months.




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Email info@mipodcontainerhomes.com.au
M: PO Box 1102 Dunsborough, WA 6281

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Copyright © 2025 Mipod Container Homes

Design & Development By Long Road

Dunsborough, WA